aBoUt rOSe aka tITs tHe ArTiST
Roselyn Yap / TITS The Artist
b.1976, 3rd gen. Indonesian born Chinese - Australian
Artist Statement
I’m an interdisciplinary artist based in Berlin who works in performance and installation art using found objects, sewing, photography, painting and video as my mediums. As a daughter in a son-favoured culture, a woman in the patriarchal society, a migrant in the globalised world and an artist in a capitalistic economy, I identify with subjects that are perceived inferior or insignificant. My suspicion of being less adored as a child because of my gender was validated as I grew older and reconfirmed as I entered adulthood; the reality and condition that became subliminal in my creative process. Subsequently, I project honour, justification and celebration in my works; championing, defending and/or advocating for the underdogs and subject matters that are personally important to me, such as women's rights and gender equality.
My journey of becoming an artist began in mid-2013 when I quit my job in finance. In 2015, I bought a one-way flight ticket from Sydney to Berlin on a leap of faith that paid off, since Berlin turned out to be the fertile ground I was looking for. My pseudonym does not stand for anything. I wanted to make street art when I was starting out, and saw the acronym, T.I.T.S., above a university building the week I quit my job.
2022 Akademie für Suffizienz, Art Residency, Prignitz (DE)
2022 Praxis Gallery, Honourable Mention in the juried Photo Competition The Streets , Minneapolis (USA)
2021 VG Bild Kunst & Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien, Neustart Kultur Grant, Berlin (DE)
2020 Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa, Grant for Special Program, Berlin (DE)
2018 Arte Laguna Prize, Performance Finalist, Venice (IT)